Hope everyone is doing well during these strange times! Like many physiotherapists in private practice I have closed my clinic and after a few weeks of home schooling ( loosely!), playing basketball and table tennis with the kids , running, cycling in circles, eating, watching Netflix, drinking wine and sleeping I have decided to try and give some bit of service based on the home exercise programs I most commonly prescribe.

This video is based on every pelvic floor I assess. In an ideal world I would love if everyone started with this video in the first few weeks after they have had a baby so that the pelvic floor would be the first muscle to be brought back up to speed before other muscles were strengthened. Like walking before you run, doing pelvic floor exercises before you walk would be ideal. SO if you have recently had a baby this is your chance! Do your exercises twice a day ( you can do them more but I don’t know many moms who can commit to doing more) and make sure you get the feeling of release after each squeeze).

And yes if you have had a C-section your pelvic floor has been less compromised but your pelvic floor will still have been under pressure during your pregnancy so no harm in doing them. If you are recovering from a Vaginal Delivery, gradually introduce Pelvic floor exercises as they will aid healing by increasing the circulation in the area and promote return to normal function. I’m not going into Diastasis Recti here ( most people who come to me worried about this actually do not have it but that’s another story for another day) but these exercises are good for recovery of your tummy muscles too.

While the latest guidelines for return to running say to wait 12 weeks, I feel that everyone is different. If you want to get back running or if you want to go back to higher intensity exercise such as CrossFit ( and I’m using this example as it is definitely the in-thing, my patients have told me through that they had the worst symptoms when they danced Ionsaí na hInse (The siege of Ennis) at weddings, Trampolined, have done star-jumps in Bootcamp, and many more), I have drifted off.. If you want to get back running or if you want to go back to higher intensity exercise such as CrossFit or Deadlifts/ Weights etc, I think that you will spend your time and money wisely by getting in touch with a Chartered Physiotherapist who is specialised in Women’s Health and by getting assessed. You might be genetically blessed with a great pelvic floor or you might not be.. Choosing or Earning your exercise can be easier when you have a plan and solid information.

Hope you get on well with the exercises.. Any feedback is welcome!

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