If you are feeling pain during intercourse (Dyspareunia) or other pelvic pain it could be caused by a number of factors and you might find it difficult to discuss and to know where to start when it comes to addressing it. It may be trigger by recurrent urinary tract or vaginal infections, hormones, endometriosis or recent childbirth. It may also have been triggered by trauma, or have an emotional connection for you.

If your symptoms are new, it is always a good idea to go to your GP for an assessment to rule out any medical conditions such as infection and/or to refer you to your obstetrician or gynaecologist. A physiotherapy visit to a Chartered Physiotherapists may be beneficial also to check if tight pelvic floor muscles are contributing to your pelvic pain or painful intercourse.

Physiotherapy can help to release tight muscles in your pelvic floor, breathing muscles and abdomen to allow your muscles to relax and to allow your nerve fibres to settle down. When the cause is simple, for example after a difficult labour, physiotherapy alone can be quite effective. When the cause may be a little more complicated, Physiotherapy still plays a part because it allows you to talk about your issue and allows you to begin the journey to healing.  In a supportive and confidential environment, we can discuss the cause and triggers for your pain and in time, and with fully informed consent that can be withdrawn at any time,  address the physical side to your issues. This will involve a pelvic floor examination but not necessarily on your first visit. I always recommend a trip to your GP to rule out infection/underlying issues and I always recommend seeking out the input of a therapist who is trained to support the emotional side of any background concerns and treatment.



Get in Touch

087 252 4225



Contact Hours

Mon – Fri — 8:00am – 5:00pm
Saturday — 9:00am – 3:00pm
Sunday — Closed

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