If you are concerned about new symptoms that you may have, read through my website and feel free to send me a message or to organise an appointment. Sometimes it can be hard to know where to begin.

If you have not had a baby recently, and/or have not been to your GP or Obstetrician or Gynaecologist recently, a simple plan of action is to attend your GP for an overall check. This will never be a waste of time and is a great way to have screened for any issues that may require investigation before you are ready to attend Physiotherapy. 

An assessment for a Women’s Health condition involves the following:

1. Discussion about your problem: What it is, when it began, what makes it better or worse, how you are coping with it and many other things.

2. Assessment:

Depending on your presenting complaint, an assessment will be conducted to identify joint/ muscles/ postural dysfunction that may be contributing to your problem. Physiotherapists use a range of assessment tools that allow them to make decisions about your treatment. It is best to wear loose fitting comfortable clothing to your assessment e.g shorts and t-shirt.

If you are attending the clinic for treatment of a Pelvic Floor Issue an internal examination may be required. This examination may be a vaginal or a rectal examination depending on your problem and it will allow the physiotherapist palpate the relevant structures and muscles that are contributing to your problem. To the physiotherapist this assessment is as important as palpating your gluts/ abdominal/ other muscles and joints that give information about your external muscles. Obviously this examination is also completely different to an external examination and your consent is not implied by your arriving at the clinic; it will be discussed with you and the examination will only occur with your fully informed consent; you have full control over this consent it can be withdrawn at any time and the assessment can also be stopped at any stage. Any assessment proposed will be appropriate to your conditions and will be clearly explained to you. You are welcome to ask any questions and most importantly you are welcome to decline an assessment at any time.

3. Treatment:

Based on your assessment, sometimes the physiotherapist will use manual therapy techniques to help to restore your muscle function/ general muscle function.

Dry Needling may be used.

A Home Exercise Program will always be presribed to allow you to continue management of your condition after your treatment.

Never feel that your problem is not something that cannot be addressed. If I do not feel that I have the skills to treat your issue I will refer you on to someone who can. Have a read through my website and feel free to give me a shout.




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